Branch Councils

Via their branch councils, meet our dedicated health service management leaders driving excellence in healthcare leadership and management across Australasia.

2025 Vic/Tas Branch elections

Nominations for the Vic/Tas Branch Council are now open and the deadline for nominations is 5pm, Friday 21 March 2025.

Positions vacant

There are six (6) positions to be filled on the Branch Council as a result of six (6) Councillors up for re-election (3 year appointments) in line with the requirements of Clause 7.3.8(a)(i) of the Rules that every year one-third of the members of the Branch Council shall retire from office but shall be eligible for re-election. Applications are encouraged from members who work in all health sectors.

The term of appointment to Council is three (3) years unless otherwise stated. Positions commence with the July 2025 Council meeting.


To be eligible for election to the Branch Council, a member must be a financial member at the date of the nomination and a Member, Life Member, Retired Member, Associate Fellow or a Fellow of the College in accordance with Clause 7.3.1 of the Rules.

Nomination details required

Candidates should attach a profile to their Nomination Form containing the following information:

  • Curriculum Vitae;
  • A short statement outlining areas of professional focus and experience for circulation with any voting papers (if required)
Voting eligibility and elections

No member shall be entitled to vote unless all monies have been paid by them to the College.

If your Nomination Form and details meet the appropriate criteria nominators will be sought by the Branch. Where the number of nominations exceeds the number of positions available, an electronic ballot in accordance with Clause 7.3.8(f) of the Rules will then be carried out, and the results announced via email bulletin to all members of the Victoria/Tasmania Branch.


The Nomination Form and associated documents should be sent to email:

Nominations must be with the Executive Officer by 5pm, Friday 21 March 2025.

achsm aotearoa silver fern awards banner

The ACHSM – Aotearoa Silver Fern Award recognises health services leadership and management excellence. Recipients will have accomplished in at least three of the following areas:

(a) Demonstrated Leadership excellence (including of extra-ordinary events)

(b) Innovation in field of endeavour

(c) Commitment to professional and/or workforce development

(d) Achieved improved population or service outcomes

(e) Management of significant and complex change

(f) Significant contribution to evidence-based practice, policy and/or patient care outcomes

To nominate an ACHSM – Aotearoa member, please complete the nomination form and return it to ACHSM- Aotearoa National Council:

Nominations close at 5 pm on 1 June 2025.

The recipient will be announced at the ACHSM Congress 2025 in Darwin.

Together we advocate, grow, and inspire health leaders for better health outcomes for all in Aotearoa

ACHSM Aotearoa primary logo digital blue L

Interested in joining ACHSM – Aotearoa?

ACHSM – Aotearoa is the professional organisation for health and disability leaders and managers in New Zealand. Through a nationwide network, members connect in a supportive, encouraging and nurturing environment. Our role is to grow the knowledge, skills and competencies of effective leaders/managers at each point in the system.

Via a Memorandum of Understanding, ACHSM – Aotearoa is a branch of the Australasian College of Health Service Management. We value the international network and wide range of learning opportunities that belonging to the ACHSM College provides for our members.

ACHSM – Aotearoa has a National Council and holds a range of activities such as the Journal Club; webinar, fellowship and certification programmes; mentorship and professional advice. There are four regions: Northern, Midland, Central and Southern for networking and support.

We are a member organisation with an established professional pathway to provide professional support for those doing postgraduate leadership and management studies through to those in executive, policy, research, academic and governance roles. We welcome member engagement and love to hear your ideas and how we can best support you on your career pathway and in your professional role.

Interested in joining ACHSM – Aotearoa? Please get in touch using the contact form.


A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Australasian College of Health Service Management (ACHSM) and ACHSM – Aotearoa (the New Zealand Branch of ACHSM) in September 2022.

Australasian College of Health Service Management — Aotearoa Incorporated was established with a Constitution adopted at the Annual General Meeting on 15 June 2021.

Events / Journal Club

ACHSM – Aotearoa Journal Club will be held the last Wednesday of the month, 4.30 – 5.30pm

This is a great opportunity for NZ members to engage with your national professional network; to share new ideas, innovation and research; to advance your management and leadership competencies.

Upcoming ACHSM – Aotearoa events

Please visit our Events section for the latest.