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Journal of Health Management

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Asia-Pacific journal of health management (APJHM)

Editor: Dr Mark Avery FCHSM CHE

ISSN 2204-3136 (online); ISSN 1833-3818 (print)*

The Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management (APJHM) is a peer reviewed journal for managers of organisations offering health and aged care services. It was launched as the official journal of the Australasian College of Health Service Management in 2006.

The target audience is professionals with an interest in health and aged care services, research, management and policy development.

The mission of the APJHM is to advance understanding of the management of health and aged care service organisations within the Asia Pacific region through the publication of empirical research, theoretical and conceptual developments and analysis and discussion of current management practices.

The APJHM seeks to promote the discipline of health management throughout the region by:

The APJHM aims to be relevant to all who have an interest in health and aged care management, policy, financing, strategic directions, research, evaluation, health and aged care reforms, innovations and outcomes. It brings theory, practice and research together.The APJHM is produced quarterly and is now open source so available to members and others free of charge.

Regular features of the APJHM include research and review articles, book reviews, the ACHSM Library Bulletin which lists key articles recently published elsewhere relevant to health and aged care services managers, an editorial section and a professional news update from ACHSM.

The APJHM is supervised by the Editor with the support of an Editorial Advisory Board and an Editorial Committee.

*Print 1(1);2006 – 5(1);2010 Online 4(2);2009 – current