
Fellowship manual

This manual outlines the policies and processes followed by ACHSM regarding the following:

  1. The acceptance of applications for candidature towards the Fellowship examination.
  2. The preparation for the examination and the conduct of the Fellowship examinations.

This manual is for the use of members of ACHSM in Australia and New Zealand, Candidates accepted for Fellowship,
Fellowship Study Coordinators, Examiners, College staff and officials.

A parallel but separate process exists for the acceptance, preparation, and examination of Fellowship Candidates by the
Hong Kong College of Health Service Executives.

Guidelines for Accommodating Neurodiversity and Disability

ACHSM recognises and accommodates the diverse needs of candidates, including those with neurodiversity and disability, to ensure an equitable and inclusive learning and assessment environment.

IMPORTANT: You must be a Certified Health Manager (CHM) to apply for the ACHSM Fellowship Program by examination

Fellowship is the highest level of recognition and membership within ACHSM. Attaining Fellowship demonstrates the attainment of significant health leadership and management competencies. At the ACHSM May 2024 Board Meeting, the Board considered a recommendation to require that members who wish to undertake Fellowship by examination should complete the Certification Program prior to applying to undertake Fellowship by examination. This recommendation was approved by the Board for implementation from the 2025 Fellowship by examination cohort intake.

Applications for the 2025 Fellowship program are now CLOSED.

fellowship applications open

Fellowship is the highest membership category awarded in the College. It is a significant professional achievement and is awarded by the College to those individuals who have demonstrated to their peers that they have the knowledge, attitudes, conceptual and communication skills to be recognised as senior managers and leaders in the health and aged care industries. Fellowship within the ACHSM is recognised both nationally and internationally and it demonstrates an ongoing commitment to excellence in health service management.

Fellows provide leadership across the spectrum of public, private and not for profit organisations, in the areas of acute, primary and long term care, and health improvement. Fellows are engaged in the areas of tertiary education and research, policy development and government service, professional services and project management. The awarding of Fellowship to a College member recognises the commitment to research, continuing professional development and learning, and application of knowledge in health services management they demonstrate.

Fellowship candidature and examination

Following acceptance into the Fellowship Program, the expectations are that Candidates participate in Study Groups as part of the Fellowship process. The process of candidature has many benefits including:

The Fellowship examination is a peer review process designed to enable the Candidate to demonstrate their competencies about contemporary health and aged care issues. In particular, it assesses the competencies in leadership and management and focuses on the ’Candidates' communication skills to the level that the College recognises are those of a senior health and aged care and community leader and manager. The candidature and examination are designed to be practical, efficient, and cost-effective for the Candidates, examiners, and the College. The broad requirements to become a Fellow of ACHSM are set out in the ACHSM Constitution and Rules.


Cost of Fellowship candidature

1. The cost of the 2025 Fellowship Program is $1995 this includes Full registration, Congress Registration, and the Fellows Dinner. Note that Congress Registration includes the full Congress program, all social events such as the Welcome Reception and Congress Dinner, and the Fellows-only Dinner).

2. If you cancel or withdraw, the refund policy is set out below:



Assistant Chief Examiners

Jennifer Kosiol FCHSM CHE

Christopher Hastie FCHSM CHE

Pieter Walker FCHSM CHE

Chief Examiner (Examinations)

Sheree Lloyd FCHSM CHE


Fellowship Program Coordinator

Alison McCann

Chief Examiner (International and Alternative Pathway)


Reading lists

The 2025 reading lists will be approved in early 2025 and will be accessible on the ACHSM Fellowship Portal.