Maintaining Certification

Maintenance of Certification

The Maintenance of Certification (MOC) is mandatory for members who have already achieved Certified Health Manager (CHM) or Certified Health Executive (CHE) certification.

The purpose of MOC is to demonstrate lifelong learning, professional excellence and a high level of competence characterised by a focus on ethics, professional development, coaching and mentoring, networking, active participation in health leadership and growing a community of interest.

MOC conditions and rules

Certified members, i.e., CHMs and CHEs must achieve 75 MOC Points every 3 years, with a minimum of 30 points from education events. See the table below for points options.

Points can be accrued at any time over the triennium and will be audited at the end of the triennium period.

Every CHE and CHM is responsible for the accurate entry of their MOC activities using the ACHSM member portal under the “MY MOC/CPD” section.

How to log MOC points

Once you have logged into the My Membership portal on the ACHSM website, you can log activities and achievements that earn MOC points.

Click below to learn more.

How to achieve 75 education points for MOC

Click to highlight a section heading in the left column to view full details on the right