

The Australasian College of Health Service Management (The College’) is the peak professional body for health managers in Australasia and brings together health leaders to learn, network and share ideas.

Leaders and managers come from all sectors including public and private hospitals, health departments, community health, primary and aged care, academia, research, and health-related NGOs.

The College exists to advance the professionalisation of health service management and leadership, and the growth in careers of college members through a wide range of initiatives that develop and support health leaders now and into the future.

We have researched and established what the core capabilities are for effective and impactful healthcare leaders. Our competency framework gives us direction in all that the College does.

We develop and deliver cost-effective professional development for members; provide a professional credentialing process (Certification) for members; and advocate and promote the professionalism of our Certified members to employers and key stakeholders.

Being a College member and a Certified Health Manager or Executive counts. ACHSM is the authorising entity for the Certified Health Manager and Certified Health Executive credentials. Once qualified to achieve the CHM and CHE credentials, members commit to lifelong learning through a minimum of 75 hours of CPD activity every triennium (Maintenance of Certification).

The College has around 2,600 members (Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, and the South East Asian and Pacific nations), and plays an important role in the health system. It is well known that the quality of management and leadership in the health system has a substantial and tangible effect on patient and population outcomes and experiences, healthcare costs and the satisfaction of the health workforce.

Code of ethics

Code of Ethics expected of each individual member by the profession itself


Constitution of the Australasian College of Health Service Management


Rules of the Australasian College of Health Service Management

Strategic Plan 2024 – 2027

Not for profit charity

The College is an incorporated not-for-profit charity with approximately 2500 members and plays an important role in the health system. It is well known that the quality of management and leadership in the health system has a substantial and tangible effect on patient outcomes and experiences, healthcare costs and the satisfaction of the health workforce. The College plays an integral role in creating, developing and supporting the leaders and managers of the health system with a view to create better health for all.

Our vision

Better leadership. Healthier communities.

Our mission

Recognise, develop and support effective health leadership and management to deliver quality services and improve health and wellbeing.


IHF membership

At its meeting in August 2016 the Board of the College approved the ACHSM Master Health Services Management Competency Framework for application across a wide span of College programs and activities.

This Master Framework is based on the set of competencies developed through an international consensus process by a Global Consortium under the sponsorship of the International Hospital Federation (IHF) and adopted in 2015. The global work is continuing under a special interest group (SIG) of the IHF known as the IHF-SIG Healthcare Management. A local gap analysis and consensus process was subsequently implemented by the ACHSM during 2015 and 2016 to adapt the Global Competency Directory to the Asia Pacific context.